Friday, December 18, 2009

Intro to DB

Because I technically will not start this blog until the New Year, I wanted to post a little background.

I find as soon as I start talking about myself I can continue for quite a long time - note, the blog rather than a snippet on the side column.
I will admit to being young. Looking younger than I actually am is a blessing from my mother - people still think she is 30! (My oldest brother will be 28 in 2010) I do not claim to know everything there is to know. I do not believe anyone could ever know all there is in this world. However I do feel as though I have a voice in this world and I have not yet used it.
Random thoughts will be thrown into posts here and there. I can not guarantee (why do I always spell that word wrong?) that you will follow or understand every one, however I will edit my posts to clear as many unnecessary ramblings as possible. Although - most of my ramblings do tend to lead to a very good point somewhere along the way near the end...
Working at a desk for the past 3.3 years has definitely taken its toll on me. Prior to my current job I was dancing multiple days a week at a studio, choreographing my own dances and going to competitions. Dance was/is one of my fiercest passions. Because my talent for drawing screeched to a standstill at the age of 8, dance was the only creative thing I was able to do well. Getting lost in the movement of your own body is such an incredible feeling, I feel for those who have never experienced the emotions of it. *sigh*
My family is one of those miracle families these days, as in, my parents are still together after 28 years. Love my parents to bits and pieces! My brothers are both pretty awesome as well. One of them is currently in a European country serving as a Youth Leader in one of the local churches. My other brother amazes me with his incredible genius-like wisdom on all things technical or mechanical - he builds guitar effects peddles from scratch. Need I say more?
Even though I grew up in a home surrounded by plants and gardens my green thumb never appeared. All plants I have ever attempted to grow, have died. Except one. The one funky tree plant thing sitting in my living room still alive and well after 3 months. I'm quite impressed! If it dies somewhere along the road - I'll make a note.
Traveling the world has been a desire of mine since I was younger. I am so thankful and blessed that I have a job that requires me to travel! On average it's one week a month, sometimes more, sometimes less. Depends on how many events we have that month. Generally the travel I do is nationally, although I made it to England & Norway last year (INCREDIBLE!)
Prior to being in England I had only been overseas once before. In 2005 my family traveled to France to meet our aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, great aunts, etc.   ---You may be wondering right about now... My Grandpa (moms' side) was an American GI in WWII who met and married my Grandma (French citizen) during the war. After he was done serving they moved to the USA leaving my Grandma's 3 sisters in France. Et voila! It is all explained. Hehe!---   At that point my dream was to return to the South of France and live there forever, however as soon as my plane landed in England I felt at home. Coming to the realization that I just love to travel and have a heart for Europe, I can't wait to go back! I'm sure I'll settle down at some point.

With that, I bid my computer - adieu, adieu...