Friday, July 15, 2011


Being 1/4 French wine has been a part of my upbringing. I think it'd be interesting to make my own someday - play with the grapes and different flavors, the barrels and just all the pieces of wine making.


I missed yesterday - so there are two entries coming today!
So I absolutely love taking pictures, I feel as though some of them turn out awesome (a little bias, but whatever) this is one of my favorites --

I'd like to put a bit of time into more things along this nature. See parts of the world in ways others don't. Show my point of view... :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Play video games all day... As much as I dislike most games out there today, I do realize that there are some half-decent ones available. There are even ones that extend your thought process a bit - which has always been my hiccup. I can not stand wasting any sort of time so playing any sort of game for an extended period of time has always been a loss on me. In some of the situations I've been in the past month or so, I've been able to recognize the absolute need to chill out. My answer is an all-day marathon of movies in pajamas, but sometimes that just doesn't feel right. So - yes, I'm opening myself up to a day of gaming. A. Day. The key here is "A".

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Be part of a sleep study. Mostly because I'm curious as to what I actually do in my sleep and if my sleep is even close to the level it should be at.
I'm super tired right now - haha - that's the only way I came up with this one!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Today was 7-11-11... Love it!
Yes, that was a side note.

Think, think, think... I had a lot of different thoughts fly through my mind today on things I'd like to do in my lifetime. Here's just one.

I'd love to have a better grasp on psychology to the point of which I could sit down with someone and counsel them. The effect we have on each other just from being heard and knowing that we are heard is huge. When the person to whom you are telling all of your issues to can not only listen, but see things in a different perspective and are able to understand where your mind is at it's such a plus!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Build a firework from scratch.

Essentially, I just want to know the steps it takes to create a firework, create my own, and shoot it off. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of technical and scientific measurements something like a firework takes. The ability to create (a good) one is a talent. Imagine all the fun you can have with the colors and effects... hehehe!