Saturday, June 5, 2010


Massive birthday party.
Sooooooo today we're doing a marathon of all 3 LOTR extended edition marathons. In FOTR, Bilbo has that humongous birthday party where the entire shire is invited... That's what I want.

Why would I want to do this?
Having a huge party where tons of people come together, even if it's for the first time ever is such a big deal to me. I love people, I love it when people meet new people, I love it when I meet new people! Hahaha! :)
Bonus: Imagine all the loot?!?!

Friday, June 4, 2010


So I saw this in a magazine awhile back and was intrigued as to what exactly it is... In case you've never heard of "heli-hiking" before, here's a brief overview.
You helicopter to a place (generally icy, snowy conditions - anyplace that you can't access on your own), and then you hike around, helicopter home. Cool, eh? Blasted... No one prolly thinks that's cool - check out the link... LINK!

Why would I want to do this?
To be out in the middle of nowhere, walking where very few have, seeing the nature for what it truly is... Why wouldn't I?

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Compete in a soap box car race.
Obviously this goes with yesterdays... Building one and being able to compete with one are two totally different things. Competing with one - wooooooo! My competitiveness would seriously come out.

Why would I want to do this?
It'd be... fun? :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Build a soap box car.
Hahaha! Dear goodness - so remember The Little Rascals? I've been dying to see it recently (still haven't) but they compete in a race and that made me think of this...

Why would I want to do this?
There are some awesome hills which riding down them in a soap box car would be rather... adventurous. XD

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Build a working robot.
I've actually wanted to do this since I was 6 or 7. Of course, that one was to clean my room. Haha!

Why would I want to do this?
Oh my... I guess to concrete my "nerd" status?

Monday, May 31, 2010


Weave a blanket.
Ever see one of those woven blankets - the ones that are hand made? The creativity that is used for those amazes me!

Why would I want to do this?
A woven blanket isn't something to laugh at - so many hours go into making it... Patience must be overwhelming... Plus it's a great heirloom that can be passed along for generations

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Learn how to spin plates.
I honestly am not sure where this even came from... But oh so much fun!

Why would I want to do this?
It's a talent that is going out of date - woot!