Saturday, April 17, 2010


Witness the cherry blossoms in Japan full bloom.
It's spring, so I was thinking of flowers... Uhhh yeah.

Why would I want to do this?
While DC would be pretty, I believe that Japan holds a higher level with cherry blossoms and the magnificence in them. Plus, I *heart* cherry blossoms! They're so pretty... But definitely not my favorite flower! :)

Friday, April 16, 2010


Properly pronounce and use the longest word in the English language.
Well this one pretty much came out of nowhere... The same place as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. :)

Why would I want to do this?
Considering I'm not even entirely sure (too lazy to Google) what the longest word is, I'm sure what ever it is has to do with something semi-interesting. Talking about things that are semi-interesting sounds pretty darn cool to me. The fact that I used to longest word in the English language would also score me some cool points with whoever hears me say it. Hahaha!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Visit all 7 continents.
Like, physically touch each continent. I know, I know, I know... Some of them aren't exactly the nicest of areas or most conducive to visits, but oh my! I want to see the world. ALL of it... Which I'm sure will be addressed in future entries... :)

Why would I want to do this?
How many people do you know can say they've physically been on all 7 continents? XD

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Stay in a 5 Star Resort.
Preferably for free, but hey - we can all dream :)

Why would I want to do this?
Just once to experience what people talk about... This is very similar to the whole fly first class thing. Yep yep yep!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


See a butterfly tree.
You know, one of those ones that are absolutely covered in butterflies - all you can see are butterflies, not even the tree! The ones in, like, Africa or somewhere.

Why would I want to do this?
I LOVE butterflies! :)

Monday, April 12, 2010


Help a stranger cross the street.
Doesn't matter if they're elderly, young, disabled or even a mother with multiple kids... Helping someone cross the street is one of the kindest things you can do.

Why would I want to do this?
The little things that one does for a stranger can help lead that person down a completely different path in their life. You may offer a dollar to help someone pay for their groceries, in turn you have no idea what the result is. That's a blessing. Don't pass up the little things people...

On a major side note - today was easily one of the most terrible days I've ever had. Started with the most random things ending with my lunch spilling all over me which (of course) led to a mini-break down. So for those of you who were affected in a negative way by me today I would like to extend an apology. It wasn't your fault or something you did. I would like to take all the blame for my actions. Hope you all understand! P.S. I'm much better now. I'm in my happy place. Hahahaha!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Find the weeping willow next to a river.
There are some moments which you never have the opportunity to recreate, so getting them right the first time is essential.

Why would I want to do this?
I've been searching for the perfect weeping willow since I was 13.