Saturday, March 20, 2010


Climb the great pyramid in Egypt.
So I was going to put this one in yesterday, but then the convertible thing came along and I couldn't deny it.

Why would I want to do this?
It'd be a success to make it to Egypt in the first place, but to say that you made it to the top of that nations major landmark is huge. How many people want to go to the top of the Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower just to name a few... Going to the top is something commendable. Plus, usually, the views are spectacular. :)

Friday, March 19, 2010


Drive a BMW Convertible (with the top down & music blaring).
Well... Today is another one of those - did it, but it's too darn awesome not to share. Earlier one of my co-workers had to be at the building but wanted a job picked up from the cutting/printing/folding peoples down the road. She told me that I could take her car. It just so happens to be a BMW convertible. :)

Why would I want to do this?
1) BMW's are hot cars.
2) Convertibles are sweetness.
3) The way people look at you when you're driving such a vehicle.
4) Oh my... the car. *sigh*

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Visit Egypt.

Why would I want to do this?
It's decently safe, isn't it?! Hahaha! Ever see Jumper? Oh how I love that movie... Anyway - he jumps to Egypt a few times and it's pretty darn intense. It'd be cool to experience. :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Be in someone's wedding.
So Tom and Kristin were talking for about 15 minutes about somebodys wedding and people who were in it. Made me realize... Oh crap I've technically already done this. Twice. Ok. Adjusting goal!
Be a bridesmaid in someone's wedding.

Why would I want to do this?
It should be pretty interesting - be part of the bachelorette party and such. Hehe!

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So this entry is just kinda getting dropped in here. I told you to look for an announcement coming today - so here it is!

I'm moving to California in September to go to (gasp) school.

No, I won't be going to a college or something like that. It's a ministry school that is very highly regarded among many Christians, myself included. Currently my plan is to work both jobs (office & restaurant) until the end of August... Possibly sooner for restaurant. Then head out the first of September.
If anyone would like to give financially towards my school (which would then allow me to save money for the move and rent and such) please visit and follow the directions to give to a student.
I'd GREATLY appreciate it! Even if it's just $10 or something. Every little bit counts.

So there it is. My big announcement. :) Hope you enjoyed it and became as excited as I am! Hehe!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Go trick or treating.
This is a common disbelief the moment I say that I want to do it. People look at me funny and ask if I've never gone trick or treating before. Easy answer. No. I haven't. Long answer. My parents sheltered us kids and didn't allow us to. The closest I got was a celebration the weekend of halloween at the church where we dressed up and I don't remember anything more. I always dressed up as a princess. Of course. Haha! Lately though I want to dress up as a.... Fairy Princess! Because they're just oh so different.

Why would I want to do this?
Well, in all honesty because I don't even know what it entails I'm not entirely sure. Haha!! Love me.

On a very side note... Announcement tomorrow! :)

Monday, March 15, 2010


Watch a live hockey game.
So I was hanging out with one of my friends earlier and they just kept talking about hockey and more hockey. (Other things were discussed) It made me realize I've never seen a game in person.

Why would I want to do this?
Hockey is one of the few sports I can actually watch and not get completely annoyed with (thank you basketball and you're endless screeching floors....) plus I'd imagine it'd be rather entertaining.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Ride around a grocery store in an electric cart.
So I know this is absolutely terrible and immature to want to do however with the right group of friends and the right time of night it would be an absolute hoot! (Yes, I just used the word "hoot"). Earlier when dear roommate and I went to Wegmans I saw the carts and wanted to jump on one. Realizing it probably wasn't a good idea, as I love the store immensely and want to return, I continued walking as if nothing were in my mind. Well, not nothing in my mind - just not jumping on a cart...

Why would I want to do this?
A person must retain that child-ness somehow. Haha! Usually I'm completely against silly things such as this, but for some odd reason riding around an electronic cart in the middle of the night in a grocery store I am never to return to again is slightly amusing to me... Wait, can you get somehow federally be disciplined for doing this??...