Saturday, July 23, 2011


YAY! I've made it to 200!!!
Originally I wanted to make this something which has deep significance to me, but there are a few subjects I just can't bring myself to write about yet... So here's my 200th!
Learn how to throw a curve ball.
Yes. I played softball for a year when I was younger and was absolutely horrible at it. I (somehow) wasn't competitive enough, or else I was just afraid of getting hurt. Who knows. Either way, I'd love to be able to play a game of ball with people and pitch, just 'cause I love the pressure. In order to pitch, one must have a few types of throws up their sleeves and as I can barely throw to start with, I figure a curve ball wouldn't be too difficult for me to learn - when I throw the ball goes all around already! XD

As far as deeper wishes, hopes and dreams - I think they'll be saved for near the end of this... Maybe.


Design shoes.
This reminds me of a character in a movie - I'm pretty sure it's P.S. I Love You, but I honestly forget!
I love unique shoes - not ridiculous, just unique. It'd be amazing to be able to create a unique pair of shoes (heels, flats, whatever) for women who are celebrating something monumental, going out, or just needing a specific look... Oh geez. Why do I have so many ideas?! I need someone to help me conquer all of these things!! haha!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Own my own business.
I'm not sure exactly what this business will do - anything from baking to planning events, but it's got to be something I can have my hands in. Something I have a passion for. Oh - maybe it'll be the type where people walk in, say "I need a break, give me a ticket" and we book them a trip to somewhere amazing. Anyway - haha! Oh the things I can think of. I'd like to have my own business which in some way provides others with a way to live and not be so concerned with a part of their life.
Sounds like something I more than need...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Have a personalized license plate.
Totally something I have wanted since before I even had a car. Never have I gotten around to doing it though - had better things to spend my money on. There are two reasons for this - 1) so everyone knows my car is... Mine. 2) so I can actually remember my license plate. I've had the same license plate for 6 years now and I can't even recall the first letter. Sad. Definitely.


Crazy days are crazy and lead to multiple entries in a day... Hehe!

Own a 'growler'.
Oh yes - there is a story. For a few years I lived next to a place called "Grandpa's Growler" - half of the time I was there I had no clue what a growler was. Now that I know, I think it's entirely genius and would absolutely love to have one. It reminds me of France where people would go with jugs and fill up at what looked like an indoor gas station (it was all wine). Love it.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Take a cooking class. Yes, I am a female and no, I do not know how to cook the majority of things out there. One recognizes this when they have things such as Master Chef or other cooking shows on in the background. I really thought I had a general understanding of how to cook most things, but goodness me - definitely not! I'm sure there is a way to cook everything to the point of which it becomes yummy. Even things like... *gag* mushrooms.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I love it when I have entries which piggy-back off of one another...
Spend a day at the races.
This is one of those past-times which have never been part of my life, but yesterday when I witnessed that one race I immediately had the desire to get all gussied up and go to the tracks with some of my girls (who would, of course, also be gussied up) and maybe a few guys just to round out the bunch (read: fetch us drinks and food when needed and put in a few bets!) Hehe... Oh I can only imagine.


Weekends apparently put me behind...

Watch a horse race live!
Now, this is one of those things which I only think of as I'm able to do it... So yes, I watched a horse race on Saturday night. It was so entertaining. Hehe - I only watched one race, but the energy one feels from those surrounding them as well as from the track during the last straight is abounding!