Saturday, August 6, 2011


Explore Paris on a bicycle.
I've walked around Paris a few times, got lost on the tube system and hit all the major attractions... Now I'd like to see it in a way which goes way back and see it the way Parisians see their city.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Attend the Emmy Awards.
No surprise, I have an obsession with awards shows and would love to attend one of them in person.

'Tis all.


Own a Mac.
While this could be extremely materialistic, I'd like to look at it as not. As most people, I do a lot of work on computers and have just recently been working on a mac for my job. More than ever, I now believe that apple knows what it's doing and it works best for the things I need... Hehe.

Hey, I'm allowed to be a little selfish, right?!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Cook stone soup.
When I was a kid, my mom had this super smooth stone in one of the kitchen drawers. One day when I was told to clean the drawers out I found it and asked my mom why she had a stone in the kitchen drawer. She simply replied that it was the stone she used when she made stone soup. I was appalled that anyone would ever put a stone in their soup - but then she told me the story, and we may have even gone to the library (barely 200 yards from our home) and borrowed the book. I believe she made it for us later that week, I'm a little biased but I thought it was one of the best soups I'd ever had. Only equaled by the other soups my mom ever made. :)
I will never forget that experience. Some day, I hope to be able to provide a similar adventure to other children.


Do my own recording of "I Am" by Christina Aguilera.
I recently came across the 'stripped' version of this song (and the song in general) and immediately fell in love. It's such a strong, raw, powerful, emotional song which conveys a lot of feelings any female goes through multiple times in her life. It really hit home for me because currently my life is rather a bit of a beautiful mess.
The vocals on this song are seemingly difficult - as a girl who only sings along with the radio and in the shower I known practically nothing when it comes to singing. I'd just really love to record it someday. I believe I could pull it off.
If you have absolutely no idea what song I'm referring to - check it!

Monday, August 1, 2011


Open a restaurant which serves only breakfast foods.
I have an obsession with breakfast - it also happens to be the one meal which I always seem to make amazingly. Whether it's eggs, pancakes or French toast - I'd like to think I make the best. :) No ego here folks!
For the past week or two I've been craving French toast like nobody's business - I realized I hadn't had it for a very long time (last time I can recall was at least 3 years ago). When I got to my parents house tonight they had a loaf of wheat French bread which they had to make something with - I suggested French toast and immediately got on it. An hour later the loaf has been turned into toast and I'm a happy camper. :)

A picture of my amazing French toast which I made tonight...


Decorate a house.
It doesn't have to be my house, although - that would be nice. Haha!
Before I graduated high school I started working on my interior decorating certificate. Sadly I got a full-time job an hour away before I could finish it so I technically don't have any certificates or degrees... (see post #203) However decorating a home is something I'd love to do someday. Oh the fun one can have! Get an idea of the people who live there, their personalities and then their budget and go from there! I remember back when I was in high school (prior to working on the certificate) I would spend a few hours every day watching decorating shows. One of my favorites was one on Lifetime called "Merge". They focused on couples whose weddings were approaching, the stuff each of them brought to the marriage, and they kept single pieces from each and some things were put together. Merged from two items from both parties. I loved the concept and always told myself that when I got married I'd go on the show with my FH. Haha! (Obviously that's now impossible as the show no longer exists) Oh the things we dream of when we're young.


Take part in a marathon.
I honestly am not the best runner - in fact, I can't run. I have issues with my knees which leads to a painful experience. Oh - and issues with my hips. I honestly feel as though I'm in my 80's some days.
A marathon would prove to myself that I can push through and my body can perform as a normal 20-something's body performs. Shoot - even older people take part in marathons at times! There's no reason I shouldn't be able to do it.


Wowsers! Suddenly I'm behind!

Have a butterfly land on my hand - unprompted.
I hate to go back to things which already happened - but this was just too amazing. The other week I was driving in the car with my mom. My arm was out the window and we pulled up to a stop sign. A gorgeous butterfly flew towards us and landed on my hand. It was the most amazing 10 seconds. *sigh*
The overwhelming sense of "I am here" and how creation all intertwines with itself - the smallest moments are those that leave a lasting impression. Ahhh... Yes.