Thursday, August 11, 2011


Drive across the country stopping at every major attraction.
I have now driven across the country twice. Both times it was more of a "let's get there" than "hey - what's out there to see?" type of drive. I'm sick of it. I will never again drive across the entire country and not stop and see the things which there are to see! Seriously - it's a big country - there's a lot of history here - there's a lot to see - a lot to do - a lot to experience. SO EXPERIENCE IT!
I will be the first to admit my lack of knowledge when it comes to what this country has to offer and it's history. I'm not ashamed to this fact. I'd like to change it, but there are a bunch of other things which enter my mind on a daily basis. I'm trying to fit a whole lot into this mind of mine. So, we'll see.


Write a novel.
I know I've done NaNoWriMo already in this list - but this is different. I want to write a novel and actually take time to collect thoughts, ideas, facts for it. Put a piece of me into it.
I wonder what it's like to be a painter or a writer and be known to "put a piece of yourself" into your works. I suppose it's something similar to dance... At which point I unashamedly post a link to my senior lyrical solo. (Hehe!)


Write a childrens book.
No secret I love kids. Probably a surprise I love books. Not far fetched for me to think about writing a book for kids. I'd love to do a whole series, but - hey - who knows!