Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Build a tree house.
A lot of things have been on my mind recently and I'd like to say that this came to me while I was driving through the neighborhoods of Redding, CA (my new home), but I can't. One of those random thought trails led to me realizing I never had a tree house as a child. I figure, I'm still a child at heart, so I can still build a tree house. :)

Why would I want to do this?
Having a home is one thing. You decorate it, bring a certain presence into it, you set things the way you want them to be. Once. If you switch things around all the time, you'll not only run out of money but soon people will wonder what is wrong with you. Whereas with a tree house... You have a smaller space - but it's a blank canvas. You can walk in and every day it's a different set up - especially if you leave it open for the imagination...
This might have something to do with entering a brand new house and having a room to make mine (just a room) and thinking over what I want on the walls and the colors over again...
I've found that no matter what I'm drawn to black and silver for furniture... And light green, purple and blue for accent colors. Yeah. What can I say? I have favorites. Haha!

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