Friday, February 19, 2010


Take part in an official flag raising.
So, this is one of the ones I had from yesterday... So no real inspiration...

Why would I want to do this?
Well, to learn how to properly raise a flag is pretty interesting to me. It isn't just a simple thing, there's a bunch of steps to it. So I'd just like the knowledge of doing this.. :)

On a very side note...
50! I've made it to 50!!! Oh my word. In all honesty I didn't know if I would be able to make it to 50, especially some days. Some of you told me I wouldn't have a problem doing this every day but I would like to confess there have been some days where I didn't actually write an entry. I've cheated and written two on a day... Hehe! Some days I just have absolutely no inspiration. Being the happy bubbly me that most know just hasn't been me lately. I've been going through a bunch of stuff and some major transitions. I'm so looking forward to the next step. :)

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